Your Favorite Lyric

To create this assignment, start by choosing the lyrics
Then think of a picture setting that would fit perfect with the lyrics you have chosen.

You can then copy the picture from the website and paste it into MS Paint, or if it is a picture that is already saved on your computer, you can open it up in MS Paint directly.

To add the lyrics to the photo, click the textbox button on the top of the toolbar, and open it on the picture where you want the lyrics to be located. Then type in the lyrics and think about what the color the words should be. When you have chosen a color now it is time to decide what font to use, select all of the text and go through all fonts if needed until you find the one you liked the most. Before clicking outside of the textbox to see what the finished product would looks like, make sure the transparent link on the toolbar is clicked so the lyrics just sit on top of the picture, using the picture as the background. After completing the final details of the font, font color and font size I clicked outside of the text box to see how it came out. If you are happy with the results, save the picture to your computer, and now you can upload it to any blog, website or what have you!

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