The second audio assignment I chose for this week was to Create a Story of Lyrics (3 Stars). I chose a rhyme from Dr. Seuss that I think is such an inspiration to everyone. I embedded the picture above of what the rhyme is and what the lyrics make. This was a little time consuming just because I had to search for the words separately on google to find songs with each word in them. For “your” I decided to use the same song lyric to give it a little repetition in the rhyme. In order for me to put all of these together, I had YouTube pulled up on my phone streaming each video, while Audacity was open on my computer. I would grab a little snip-it of each song where the words were placed, and then cut and paste until only the word or words I wanted was playing. That took a little while, because I wanted to make sure no words were cut off, yet each word had different tones, pitches and speeds to them. The final version of my mashed up rhyme looked like this:


After all of the cutting, pasting, and redoing, the final product doesn’t look too bad. Although I wish I had taken a screenshot of what the beats looked like as each song was on a different line ( looked a little messy to be honest). To slow down some words, I went to the “effect” button on the top of the toolbar and chose change speed. I then decreased the timing so the words dragged out a bit longer. To make them quicker, I used the same effect and change speed buttons, I just chose to increase the timing instead.

2 responses »

  1. Mike Black says:

    Nice work Ashleigh! It’s obvious that you put in some time to get this just right. Each word flowed great in to the next one. Was this your first audio editing experience? Sounds like you have some skills!


  2. Great job! I did this assignment also! Yours turned out really well! I know it took FOREVER and I didn’t expect it to take nearly that long.


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