I chose to do the PhotoBlitz Challenge in the garage. Now you may ask why? Well, at the time my boyfriend’s friends were over as well as one of my friends and I thought it would be interesting to see their reactions to all the pictures I chose to take. Also, in the garage there is about a million different things, random at that, which made it fun as well! I love photography to begin with, so being able to pick and choose what to take pictures of, but with a set of boundaries was a cool experience. I looked over the list before I started just to get an idea of what I am looking for while taking pictures. With all the madness in the garage, meeting the criteria was the easy part, but deciding on which objects to take pictures of was hard because I was so indecisive. The five photos I chose to upload to Flickr were:







I chose the Rubix Cube as a metaphor for complexity because it’s a super hard challenge for me to complete, and I still cannot complete it. I chose this angle because I wanted the viewers to be able to see the entire cube as it were 3D and not just a cube of different colors if I were to have taken a picture of it directly on its side.

The fan represents converging lines because they seem as if they keep going and going, yet run into each other at the same time. This was actually a hard criteria for me to meet because there wasn’t much in the garage to show what converging lines represent, and this finally popped out at me so I snapped the picture, getting as close as I could with you still being able to tell that it was a fan.

The domination of one color, I chose green, was a stack of sticky notes that were some reason hanging from the ceiling (I am not sure how/why they were put there) but it looked unique and definitely not like sticky notes. I tried creating depth in this picture to get the sticky notes to not look like sticky notes, and to look as if they went on forever.

Taking a picture of a shadow was fun to me. There was a picture hanging on the opposite side of the garage, yet created a shadow from the light on the wall. I then placed myself right behind the shadow so you couldn’t particularly see me, and arched my arm in a way that it looked like a person with an awfully huge head (oddly shaped at that).

Creating an idea of “openness” was really easy, I just had to choose which object I wanted to use. There were buckets, cabinets, water bottles and mason jars, so I chose a mason jar as it was clean and clear and the fact there was nothing in it literally defined “openness” itself. I arranged the lid and the jar, not in any specific way, and the snapped the photo.

For this assignment, using the garage was also a good idea in my eyes because we have two sets of lights which helped creating shadows when needed and giving more light when needed.

 My Comments Towards Others’ Work:

Mike Black’s Photo of Convergent Lines

Mike Black took a picture of a path somewhere he was completing this assignment. It caught my attention because the angle it was taken at created extreme depth and made it seem as if that path was going to go on forever. So I liked his picture because he not only met the expectation for convergent lines but also created depth (even if it was unknowingly).

Jeff Lundberg’s Photo of a Paw

Jeff Lundberg chose to take a picture to meet the expectation of someone else’s hand or paw. I was excited that he chose a paw because I have four dogs myself! As for how close to the dogs paw he got made all the details pop out and that really caught my eye for a well-taken picture.

Mike Black’s Photo of an Ordinary Object (Abstract)

I chose to write on another of Mike Black’s photos because it was just that interesting to me. First looking at it, I would never have thought it was a picture. I still have not figured out what exactly it is, but the object has some sort of dimension to it where it looks as if the center red circle could be caving in or if it could be popping out of the picture. I thought it was a unique idea for a picture, and wish I had an object like that in the garage (where I completed this exercise) to see what I could have come up with.

One response »

  1. This was really cool. At first I had no idea what the green picture of the post note was. You did a great job explaining each picture and sharing the story that they are telling.


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