Genres of YouTube

For the examples of YouTube Genres listed by the previous DS106 students, I feel that the ones listed compiled together create the YouTube sensation. After searching through the examples listed, I feel as if I could have added many of videos to each genre. To me, that is how huge of a video network YouTube is. Not only do the genres listed in the document explain what YouTube is all about, but any new genre could be added, and days later there would be thousands of videos that could go under that specific genre.

The video I chose would be listed under the “Surprises of a Lifetime” genre. Having your dad come home from the military at any given time, knowing he is coming home or not, is and most of the time will always feel like the surprise you’ve always wished for. The reason I chose this video was because I have a lot of family members and friends who have served in the military and the feeling my family gets as well as my friends’ families get, is priceless and indescribable. Here is a thanks to all the men and women who have served our country, there will never be any words to thank you all enough.

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